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  • The 10 hour ATO requirement?

    No matter how much prior training or prior experience you may have, you still need to do a minimum of 10 hrs training for the CB-IR at an ATO. The exception is…

  • Why not the full IR, and the misconception it’s not a full IR?

    The CB IR is a full ICAO IR, and the skills test is same as the full IR skills test. Only the route used to obtain the IR differs. The CB-IR isn’t…

  • Who does the CB-IR?

    The CBIR is unique in offering a route for experienced pilots with a past history of instrument flying to train for the full Instrument Rating (IR) in a way which reflects their…

  • Who does the CB-IR theory?

    You can also find school approved to provide the Competency Based Modular Instrument Rating (Aeroplanes) theoretical knowledge in Standards Document 31.     As of 2019, there are 3 schools that are said to…

  • What about in Europe?

    From the limited research, there are plenty of places in Europe that do the CB-IR route and theoretical knowledge.  After all this is an EASA rating, and not specific to the UK. …

  • What’s the cheapest route? ATO aeroplane vs own aeroplane?

    In fact this isn’t a question I can answer. Assuming your aircraft meets Standards Document 7, and you choose to fly in your own aircraft. It entirely depends on the ATO you…

  • Can you do it in your own aeroplane?

    Yes, provided that it meets the requirements for aeroplanes and helicopters for use on CPL and IR Skills test in Standards Document 7 (AH). Read more about my experience.

  • How much per hour for the instructional fee?

    For the pre-ATO phase, if done privately with an IRI you can expect to pay in the region of £40-50 h/r. The ATO phase in my case with Stapleford Flight Centre was…

  • How much will the CBIR cost?

    This is the ultimate answer.  How much will the CB-IR cost? Depending on your abilities, you can probably budget for between £10,000 and £14,000 over the course of 18 months with a…